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1党家河煤矿转接辅助运输设计研究................................................ 赵海兴


13采区煤仓穿越交叉巷道延伸改造设计及工程实践刘   成,刘   叶,邓东杰,等

17复杂矿区煤与瓦斯突出灾害多参量预警系统建设与应用............... 谈国文

21 LED小间距调度大屏显示系统在小保当智慧矿山中的应用......... 许   涛

26高大软岩边坡下开采程序研究........................................ 吴多晋,赵红泽

31露天矿双能源卡车架线道路参数优化研究王忠鑫,赵   明,王金金,等

37煤炭运输船港航交重自动计量系统设计与实现.. 沙宝银,牛一村,滕灵芝




43复杂膨胀性围岩条件下交岔点支护技术研究................... 赵长红,吕兆海

48恒源煤矿采区轨道下山机械化作业线优化及应用马   力,回新冬,姚强岭

53深部厚煤层巷道掘进微震预警参数及临界指标研究王   涛,李   根,姜   涛,等

57复杂岩层高位定向长钻孔成孔技术应用研究. 洪建俊,张   杰,刘   杰



62底抽巷穿层钻孔液态CO2相变致裂增透技术研究.......................... 陈继福


72基于光纤传感技术的老石旦矿火区探测研究程根银,任   强,齐黎明,等

76综放工作面产尘分布规律及综合治理技术.................................. 陈   芳

82焦化厂挥发性有机物治理技术应用.............. 孙   乐,张惊宇,王  瑾



88陕北浅埋煤层绿色保水开采技术研究...... 余学义,张冬冬,陈  辉,等

93承压水上含隐伏构造底板突水机理研究..... 魏大勇,孙亚楠,闫奋前,等

98复合作用下煤层瓦斯抽采时空演化及衰减特性研究.................... 丁   红

104瓦斯含量法突出危险性预测试验研究与应用.............................. 李思乾

108珲春地区高瓦斯矿井煤自然发火标志气体研究靳   磊,刘见中,姚海飞,等

113定向水力致裂对煤层顶板三向应力的影响研究高   厚,陈卫忠,邢天海,等

118煤矿地下水库人工坝体构筑材料适用性研究................. 王文才,李雨萌

122井工煤矿开采对坡面形态及侵蚀的影响研究柳   宁,赵晓光,周文富,等

127采煤机运行状态数据实时清洗技术研究.......... 曹现刚,姜韦光,张国祯

132矿用机器人局部路径优化算法研究...... 武   达,王然风,付   翔,等

137基于彩色图像处理的浮选尾煤灰分软测量研究王靖千,王然风,付  翔,等

143糊精对煤和石英浮选的影响研究.............. 张晋霞,孙伟光,牛福生,等

147非离子型表面活性剂强化低阶煤煤泥浮选行为试验研究张春泉,张海军,徐  明,等

152XJM-KS型浮选机矿化器负压产生机理研究............................... 杨茂青



157层理和裂隙对镐型截齿破煤的影响.......................................... 李   立

163静止无功发生器(SVG)的无功电流检测算法研究........................ 刘翘楚



168矿工个体特征因素对煤矿险兆事件影响的SEM研究田水承,刘   乔,陈   洋,等

172基于改进层次分析法突变理论的煤矿顶板事故风险分析郭隆鑫,李希建,刘  柱





Design Technology

1    Design of transfer auxiliary transportationsystem in Dangjiahe Coal Mine.................................................................................. ZHAOHai-xing

7    Research and application of non-pillarmining technology in high cutting working face of thick

      coal seam................. XIEYi-shengHAO Xiao-feiYANGYa-wei

13  Extend reconstruction design and engineeringpractice of mining district coal bunker

      crossing intersected roadwayLIU ChengLIU YeDENGDong-jieet al.

17  Construction and application ofmulti-parameter early warning system of coal and gas

      outburst disasters in complex mining area................ TAN Guo-wen

21  Application of small spacing LED screens fordispatching display system in Xiaobaodang

      intelligent mine project....................................................... XUTao

26  Study on mining sequence under high soft rockslopeWU Duo-jinZHAOHong-ze

31  Optimization on wiring road parameters ofdual-energy truck in open pit mine

      .................. WANGZhong-xinZHAO MingWANGJin-jinet al.

37  Design and implementation of automatic weightmeasurement system for coal carrier port

      .................................... SHABao-yinNIU Yi-cunTENGLing-zhi



Construction Technology

43  Roadway intersection support under complexexpansive surrounding rock

      .................................................. ZHAOChang-hongLV Zhao-hai

48  Optimization of mechanized operation line fortrack dip in Hengyuan Coal Mine

      ......................................... MALiHUI Xin-dongYAO Qiang-ling

53  Early warning parameters and critical indexof microseism in deep thick coal seam tunneling

      ...................................... WANGTaoLI GenJIANG Taoetal.

57  Application of high directional long holedrilling in complex rock formation

      ........................................... HONGJian-junZHANG JieLIUJie


Production Technology

62  Permeability enhancement with liquid CO2phase-transition fracturing in crossing drilling from floor

      drainage roadway......................................................... CHENJi-fu

66   Application of advance exploration andcontrol technology in deep mining of Hanxing Mining Area

     .......................... JIANGXiang-mingREN Hu-junCHENYa-zhou

72   Sealed fire area detection based on opticalfiber sensing in Laoshidan Coal Mine

      ........................ CHENGGen-yinREN QiangQILi-minget al.

76   Dust distribution law and comprehensive dustcontrol in fully mechanized top-coal caving face

      ................................................................................... CHENFang

82   Application of VOCs treatment technology ina coking plant

      .......................................... SUNLeZHANG Jing-yuWANG Jin


Research andDiscussion

88    Water-preserved green mining in shallowburied coal seam in northern Shaanxi

      ...................... YUXue-yiZHANG Dong-dongCHENHuiet al.

93    Water bursting mechanism of coal seam floorwith concealed structure above confined water

     ......................... WEIDa-yongSUN Ya-nanYANFei-qianet al.

98    Time-space evolution and attenuation characteristicsof gas extraction in coal seam under

        combined effect........................................................ DINGHong

104  Experimental study and application ofoutburst risk prediction with gas content method

      ....................................................................................... LISi-qian

108  Research on the mark gas of coal spontaneouscombustion in Hunchun area

       ............................. JINLeiLIU Jian-zhongYAO Hai-feietal.

113  Influence of directional hydraulic fractureon three-dimensional stress of coal seam roof

        ................ GAOHouCHEN Wei-zhongXING Tian-haietal.

118  Applicability of dam body material for coalmine underground reservoir

       ...................................................... WANGWen-caiLI Yu-meng

122  Effect of underground coal mining on slopemorphology and erosion

        ................ LIUNingZHAO Xiao-guangZHOUWen-fuet al.

127   Real-time data cleaning of coal miningmachine operating status

        .........  CAO Xian-gangJIANG Wei-guangZHANGGuo-zhen

132  Research on local path optimization algorithmmining robot

        ............................. WUDaWANG Ran-fengFU Xiangetal.

137  Study on soft sensing of ash content inflotation tail coal based on color image processing

        .............. WANGJing-qianWANG Ran-fengFUXianget al.

143  Effect of dextrin on coal and quartzflotation

        .......... ZHANGJin-xiaSUN Wei-guangNIUFu-shenget al.

147  Flotation performance of low rank coal slimeenhanced by non-ionic surfactant

        ............. ZHANGChun-quanZHANG Hai-junXUMinget al.

152  Mechanism of negative pressure generated forXJM-S4 pre-mineralizing device

        ......................................................................... YANGMao-qing



Equipment Technology

157  Effects of bedding and fracture on coalbreaking of pick-shaped cutter................................................................................................. LILi

163  Reactive current detection algorithm ofstatic var generator....... LIUQiao-chu



Project Management

168  SEM-based study on the influence of minerindividual characteristic factors on coal mine

        near miss...... TIAN Shui-chengLIU QiaoCHENYanget al.

172  Risk analysis of roof accident in coal minebased on improved analytic hierarchy process and

        catastrophe theory.............. GUO Long-xinLIXi-jianLIU Zhu